Stellar CEO-JET

Up to 3 passengers. Up to 1150mi (1850 km)

Meet the game changer

Experience the freedom of direct, point-to-point flights and the versatility of vertical take-off and landing, allowing you to land at your chosen locations. Literally.

2800 daN
Cruise Speed
1000 nm
Max Range
1350 lbs
Base price: $5.900.000

Stellar Adventure Jet

Up to 5 passengers. Up to 650mi (1050 km)

Discover the future of exploration

Unlock new dimensions of adventure

Embark on a journey beyond the known world. Experience point-to-point travel venturing into jungles, mountains, and unreached destinations. Discover pristine, untrodden spaces with family or friends, where no one has ever been before.
5200 daN
Cruise Speed
570 nm
Max Range
3050 lbs
Base price: $8.900.000

Propulsion System

Hydrogen-Electric Powertrain is poised to redefine industry standards in aircraft design

Welcome to Tomorrow

Combining an efficient fuel cell stack with advanced design and storage, this propulsion system offers amazing flight range, breaking traditional distance barriers.