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Book your spot in our group presentation and learn why the Stellar Jet will be better than your current Aircraft.


David Crawford
Strategic Distributor

Sales lead for Cirrus Aircraft in the Asia Pacific region since 2019, successfully creating a strategy that increased sales by 400%. CEO of NGO Be A Hero, supporting projects in 32 developing countries, delivering positive outcomes for thousands of recipients. Delivered and implemented sales strategy in both the commercial and NGO sector. Professional basketball athlete and built a basketball academy seeing a 1000% increase in student intake in three years .

Boss n Queen Pty Ltd
Australian Company Number (ACN): 668 192 050
Australian Business Number (ABN): 43 668 192 050
Registered Company Address:
Aurora Place
Level 12, 88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Olivia Sainsbury
Strategic Distributor

25 years management consulting at Deloitte and CEO of Olivia Sainsbury Consulting; leading strategic projects across government and general aviation; CEO of Caloundra Chamber of Commerce; President YWCA Canberra; Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors; Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Commerce ANU.

Boss n Queen Pty Ltd
Australian Company Number (ACN): 668 192 050
Australian Business Number (ABN): 43 668 192 050
Registered Company Address:
Aurora Place
Level 12, 88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000